About the Centre
The Modelling and Simulation Centre (MaSC) was established in 2011, following longstanding collaboration between The University of Manchester and EDF. MaSC has focused on the development of high-level numerical methods and physical modelling to tackle industrial challenges in fluid dynamics, thermal hydraulics and structural mechanics.
In 2021 the partnership with EDF was renewed for a further five-years, with specific aims to broaden crossdisciplinary activity and expand the industrial membership of the centre.
The Centre links firmly to the SoE research theme of Digital Engineering & Manufacturing and has overlap with several others, including Renewable Energy and Sustainable Transport; addressing challenges pertinent to several industrial sectors and spanning four main areas of activity outlined below. Based on our research, our teaching and training offering is also heavily in demand and we are working on new elements to meet industrial need.
Aims and strategic purpose
- Maximise cross-disciplinary benefits of modelling and simulation within SoE and beyond
- Deliver excellent support, training and career development for early career researchers
- Leverage our industrial network and become a international hub for industrial research.