Our Department's world-class research and testing facilities have led to a series of unique innovations. Through our commercialisation process, organisations can benefit from our work.
Commercialisation of the University’s intellectual property (IP) is managed by The University of Manchester Intellectual Property office (UMIP), and lets your business benefit from innovations emanating from our research.
Explore our case studies, or contact us with your commercialisation enquiries.
Case studies
An early warning system for diabetic foot ulcers
The Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering is conducting research funded by The University of Manchester Research Institute into the development of an early warning and detection system specifically for diabetic foot ulceration.
Targeted research into the aetiology of diabetic foot ulcers, in conjunction with the development of a sophisticated tool to enable bio-feedback should enable improved and more timely healthcare management of diabetic foot ulcers, and greatly increase our understanding of the complications of diabetes mellitus.
Development of safe roadside equipment
Passively safe roadside equipment is designed to prevent serious injury when struck by a vehicle. The novel technology developed in collaboration with Ritherdon is a high-quality, stainless steel electrical enclosure for highways use which has been crash-tested and which is passively safe to EN 12767, making it possibly the world’s first. Ritherdon successfully crash tested their RB800 Passive Cabinet at the Transport Research Laboratory in December 2012 and January 2013 in two tests.
In both tests the cabinet sheared away near its base on impact and was knocked ahead of the vehicle. The impact on the vehicle/passengers is much reduced as is danger of any electrical components breaking inside the cabinet.
Automated measurement of cooling channel wall thickness in turbine blades
A Knowledge Transfer Partnership project with the Lancashire firm ELE Advanced Technologies Ltd, led in MACE by Professor Srichand Hinduja, successfully developed a system for automated measurement of wall thicknesses of cooling channels which have been drilled in turbine blades; including algorithms and software for system control and processing of ultrasound data.